2007年9月24日 星期一

Office Communications Server 2007 Resource Kit Tools

The Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Resource Kit Tools provide a set of deployment and technical reference information for Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007. The set of tools and documentation in the Resource Kit Tools can be used as a complement to the Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 documentation or as stand-alone tools.

The tools and documentation in the Resource Kit provide technical information and best practices for integration with the Active Directory services. Additionally these tools and documents improve your ability to manage the configuration and maintenance of the Office Communications Server 2007 technologies.

The tools in this Resource Kit are designed to be used with Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 only. If you are looking for tools that work with Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1, please download the Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1 Resource Kit.

Below are brief explanations of the tools included in the kit:

Bulk/Single Move Users Script (moveusers.wsf)
The Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Single/Bulk Move Users script, Moveusers.wsf, is used to move users from one computer running Office Communications Server 2007 to another. This script produces an ANSI file as output. It can accept an ANSI or Unicode file as input for bulk user moves and can accept a SIP URI and a destination pool as input for single user moves.

ArchivingCDR Reporter (ArchivingCDRReporter.exe, ArchivingCDRReporter_Config.xml)
This reporting tool has built-in SQL queries to retrieve and view information from the Archiving and Call Detail Records (CDR) Backend. The tool enables the user to view Office Communications Server 2007 usage reports based on the Archiving and CDR tables.

ABS Configuration Tool (absConfig.exe)
ABS Configuration Tool is a graphical user interface application that enables administrators to configure AD attributes and WMI settings, related to ABS.

CheckSPN (checkspn.vbs)
This script was designed to allow non-domain administrators to install Office Communications Server and to verify that the Service Principal Names have been configured correctly, identify duplicates, and correct any errors.

Contact Import Tool (Importcontact.exe)
This tool imports contacts from MSN Messenger to Microsoft Office Communicator 2007.

LCSVerifyClean (LCSVerifyClean.vbs)
This tool verifies that your computer is clean of LCS/OCS product binaries, registry keys, and WMI classes.

OCSTrustEntry Tool (OCSTrustEntry.vbs)
This tool can be used to manage trusted server or service entries of Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007.

Enterprise Voice Route Helper
Route Helper is a graphical user interface application that helps visualize, test, modify, archive, and share voice routing configuration information. Route Helper is an alternative to the MMC snap-in for viewing and modifying Enterprise Voice number normalization rules, location profiles, voice policy, and routes.


LcsSync.dll - This tool is used for deploying Office Communications Server 2007 in a multi-forest environment. More information can be found in the Configuring Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 in a Multiple-Forest Environment.
SidMap.wsf - Office Communications Server supports this Active Directory configuration. It uses the same disabled user account in the resource forest to enable users for Office Communications Server. To provide single sign-in, the primary user account must also be mapped to the disabled user account in the resource forest for Office Communications Server. This tool performs the mapping.
LCSusers.wsf - This tool queries how many Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 servers are deployed in your Active Directory forest and how many users are enabled on each server. This tool does not commit any changes to Active Directory.
XML Files - XML files are provided as templates for creating Management Agents in Microsoft MIIS.

InstantUr (InstantUr.exe)
The InstantUr.exe command-line tool works like an offline User Replicator. It can be used during in-place upgrade to propagate user and contact objects in active directory to Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 database before importing their data.

DbAnalyze (DbAnalyze.exe)
The Dbanalyze.exe command-line tool enables you to gather analysis reports of the Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 database.

LcsDeny (LcsDeny.exe)
The tool helps administrators manage the deny domains list on Office Communications Server 2007, Access Edge Server. The tool can download the list of domains into the WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) configuration from HTTP or HTTPS URLs. The tool can also save the WMI configuration into a local XML file. The tool can add and remove a specific domain to or from the WMI list of denied domains. It can also check whether a domain is present in the list of denied domains.

Topology Designer
This tool, which is based on the Microsoft Office Visio drawing and diagramming software, enables the user to visually design a deployment configuration and generate an XML file that can be used to import the settings during setup.

LCSDiscover (LCSDiscover.vbs)
This tool can be used to discover Active Directory topology and computer settings of Live Communications Server 2003, Live Communications Server 2005 SP1, and Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007.

LCSError (LCSError.exe)
Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 command-line script tool, LCSError.exe, helps troubleshoot event log errors that do not display descriptive text. The tool attempts to map the error code to a description of the error. When possible, it prints the cause of the error and recommends a resolution.

SIPParser (SipPar.dll)
The Netmon SIP parser can be used in conjunction with Netmon to capture SIP traffic on the network for SIP call flow verification or for troubleshooting.

Snooper Tool (Snooper.exe)
The Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 protocol analysis tool, Snooper.exe, can help you analyze SIP and C3P protocol logs, including those generated by OCSLogger.exe.

SRVLookup (SRVLookup.exe)
The DNS SRV Record Lookup tool fetches and parses DNS server (SRV) records for a domain and can be used for scripting or quickly examining a domain’s records.

Usage queries for Public IM Connectivity (PICStats.sql)
These example SQL queries can be used against the rtc database of Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 to report statistics related to public IM connectivity- users who are on the contact lists of your enterprise users. These queries are provided for demonstration purposes only. Modification of these queries is not supported.

WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) samples

LCSAddACEs.wsf - The Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Add Access Control Entries (ACEs) script, LCSAddACEs.wsf, is a WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) script used to add ACEs for Office Communications Server users.
LCSAddContacts.wsf - The Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Add Contacts script, LCSAddContacts.wsf, is a WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) script used to add contacts.
LCSEnableConfigureUsers.wsf - The Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Enable and Configure Users script, LCSEnableConfigureUsers.wsf, is a WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) script used to enable and configure Office Communications Server users.
OcsAssignTelUri.wsf - The Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Assign Telephone URI scriptis a WMI (Microsoft Windows Management Instrumentation) script used to assign telephone URIs, from a list of available phone numbers, to Office Communications Server users. This script should be used to assign telephone URIs to users that have already been enabled for Office Communications Server and are configured for Enterprise Voice.
OcsConfigureTelUri.wsf - Configure Telephone URI script is a WMI (Microsoft Windows Management Instrumentation) script used to configure telephone URIs for Office Communications Server users, using an existing Active Directory user phone attribute and regular expression patterns for matching and translation. This script should be used to assign telephone URIs for users that have already been enabled for Office Communications Server and are configured for Enterprise Voice.

Web Conferencing Content Tool (Microsoft.Rtc.Server.DMInsider.exe)
A GUI-based application that administrators can use to view Web conference contents and compliance logs.

Web Conferencing Content Tool (dmdel.exe)
A command-line application that allows administrators to delete content for conferences happened before a given date. This tool can be used in conjunction with the automatic conference content clean-up process by the Web conferencing server.

Web Conferencing Content Tool (dmhash.exe)
A command-line application that computes the hashed directory name of an organizer. This tool is useful for administrators to move user conferences when user’s SIP URI changes.

Certificate Helper (CertificateHelper.exe)
This tool can be used by the administrator to get the serial number and issuer information in the format that is acceptable by the WMI provide used by Office Communications Server 2007.

2007年9月23日 星期日

Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Best Practices Analyzer Tool

Office Communications Server 2007 Best Practices Analyzer


Using the registry, determine what version/service pack of LCS or OCS is installed

Check this registry setting:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Real-Time Communications\{92AC8981-AAD9-4391-8563-92E558EEF4C6}\Server
SE - Standard Edition
EE - Enterprise Edition

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Real-Time Communications\{92AC8981-AAD9-4391-8563-92E558EEF4C6}\Type
Volume - volume license edition
Eval - evaluation edition and/or beta
MSDN - MSDN edition

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Real-Time Communications\{92AC8981-AAD9-4391-8563-92E558EEF4C6}\Version
1.0.4949.0 - Live Communications Server 2003 RTM
2.0.5369.0 - Live Communications Server 2005 RTM
2.0.5470.0 - Live Communications Server 2005 SP1
3.0.6090.0 - Office Communications Server 2007 Beta 3
3.0.6362.0 - Office Communications Server 2007 RTM

2007年7月26日 星期四

移除 IE7 的 Search Bar

若不喜歡 IE7 內建的 Search Bar 出現在視窗右上方的話,是可以透過新增機碼的方式將它給關閉的。

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions]


Exchange Server 2007 更新彙總套件

Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2007 解決了 Exchange Server 2007 推出之後所發現的問題,強烈建議使用 Exchange Server 2007 的用戶安裝此更新彙總套件,更多的資訊可以參閱 KB930809。

Sizing HP Server for Exchange 2007

因為硬碟空間的規劃Exchange 2007跟Exchange 2003有差別,可以參考下列工具所列的資料為依據,提供給客戶建議。


XP 和 Vista 製造了世界上 34% 的問題


 用Google搜索關鍵詞「Vista Problem」= 120,000,000 個結果

 用Google搜索關鍵詞「XP Problem」= 112,000,000 個結果


 用Google搜索關鍵詞「Problem」= 679,000,000 個結果


呵呵,雖然是搞笑的方法,只為博您一笑,但從搜索引擎上搜出這麼多Problem來,不知道微軟會怎麼想 :)

驚爆 Vista 內搜索用戶信息的 N 種服務

微軟通過Windows搜集各種信息早已是公開的秘密,而Windows Vista在這一點上更可謂是登峰造極,通過各種方式向微軟總部發送資料的功能和服務有幾十個。




  Windows Update
  Dynamic Update
  Auto Root Update
  Windows Defender
  Windows Media Player
  Internet Explorer 7.0
  Windows Mail郵件服務

根據功能或服務類型的不同,用戶可能會也可能不會接到數據搜集、分享通知,而唯一避免麻煩的辦法就是瞭解這些服務,關掉其中的報告功能,甚至停止整個服務,比如使用Firefox替代IE 7.0,但是,不少功能或服務有都非常重要,權衡之下你一般只能選擇打開,比如Windows Update。

在Windows 2000 AD網域安裝Exchange 2007

目前可以確定在Windows 2000 & Windows 2003的2000純粹模式下是可以WORK的,
因為要安裝Exchange 2007那一台機器,開機登入時,都會找Windows 2000 DC來登入,也就因為


而透過執行檔直接執行安裝還是會找Windows 2000 DC做查詢登入,上圖的錯誤訊息也就因此發生,所以嘍!為了防止此問題的產生,就需要透過下指令的方式,並且指定Windows 2003 DC為查詢登入的DC,如圖所示,這樣就可以完成安裝。

2007年7月25日 星期三

目前可以確定在Windows 2000 & Windows 2003的2000純粹模式下是可以WORK的,
因為要安裝Exchange 2007那一台機器,開機登入時,都會找Windows 2000 DC來登入,也就因為
行安裝還是會找Windows 2000 DC做查詢登入,圖一的錯誤訊息也就因此發生,所以嘍!為了防止此
問題的產生,就需要透過下指令的方式,並且指定Windows 2003 DC為查詢登入的DC,如圖三所示
目前可以確定在Windows 2000 & Windows 2003的2000純粹模式下是可以WORK的,
因為要安裝Exchange 2007那一台機器,開機登入時,都會找Windows 2000 DC來登入,也就因為
行安裝還是會找Windows 2000 DC做查詢登入,圖一的錯誤訊息也就因此發生,所以嘍!為了防止此
問題的產生,就需要透過下指令的方式,並且指定Windows 2003 DC為查詢登入的DC,如圖三所示,

2007年6月8日 星期五

六個台灣最酷的極品笑話 (輕鬆一下)


阿扁:這 樣不是黏得很緊嗎?
郵政總局局長:可是......大家....都把口水吐在正面啊 ......

結果在路上遇到搶匪… 搶匪拿著槍指著阿扁..說:把身上的錢交出來!

送至醫院急救,記者們聞風趕至醫院 ....
稍久,醫生出來了,記者忙著問 醫生!醫生!總統有救嗎?
記者就問:那 ...到底誰有救? 醫生精神一振說:台灣有救了!



Skype for Business 相關問題

Microsoft Teams 擴展了 Skype for Business 功能,將聊天、會議、通話、協同合作、應用程式和檔案儲存整合到一個介面中。這個新的團隊合作中心可以幫助簡化使用者完成工作的方式,提高使用者滿意度,並加速業務結果。作為一個現有的 Skype for Bus...