Exchange 2003 與 Exchange 2010 在並存環境時,當要編輯或者點選 Default E-Mail policy 會發生下列訊息,如要解決此問題,請在 Exchange Management Shell 執行 Set-EmailAddressPolicy "Default Policy" –IncludedRecipients AllRecipients 升級 Default E-Mail Policy 即可.
2010年12月19日 星期日
2010年12月16日 星期四
NTFS Permissions after Copying or Moving files
Moving Files and Folders
When moving a file or a folder, permissions may get changed depending on the destination folder permissions.
When moving a file to a folder within the same NTFS partition, the folder or file will retains its original permissions.
When moving a folder or file between different NTFS partitions, the file or folder will inherit the destination folder permissions.
When moving files to folders on NTFS partitions to non NTFS partitions the folders and files will lose their all NTFS permissions, as NTFS permissions are not supported by non NTFS partitions.
Copying Files and Folders
When copying folder or files from one folder to another folder or from one partition to another partition, permissions for this files or folders may change.
When copying a folder or file within same NTFS partition, the copy of the folder or file inherits the destination folder permissions.
When copying a folder or file between different NTFS partitions, the copy of the folder or file inherits the destination folder permissions.
When copying folders or files to non NTFS partitions such as File Allocation Table (FAT), the files or folders will lose their all NTFS permissions.
When moving a file or a folder, permissions may get changed depending on the destination folder permissions.
When moving a file to a folder within the same NTFS partition, the folder or file will retains its original permissions.
When moving a folder or file between different NTFS partitions, the file or folder will inherit the destination folder permissions.
When moving files to folders on NTFS partitions to non NTFS partitions the folders and files will lose their all NTFS permissions, as NTFS permissions are not supported by non NTFS partitions.
Copying Files and Folders
When copying folder or files from one folder to another folder or from one partition to another partition, permissions for this files or folders may change.
When copying a folder or file within same NTFS partition, the copy of the folder or file inherits the destination folder permissions.
When copying a folder or file between different NTFS partitions, the copy of the folder or file inherits the destination folder permissions.
When copying folders or files to non NTFS partitions such as File Allocation Table (FAT), the files or folders will lose their all NTFS permissions.
2010年12月9日 星期四
安裝精靈在嘗試與 AD 連結時發生錯誤
"MsExchange transport failed to reach status running on this server".
在安裝Exchange 2010的過程中,當安裝Hut Transport Role時,會發生如下的錯誤訊息,接下來就中斷安裝,而網卡內容裡的IPV6設定,往往會造成這樣的錯誤訊息.
Error Message:
“$error.Clear(); if ($RoleStartTransportService) {start-SetupService –ServiceName MSExchangeTransport }” was run: “Service ‚MSExchangeTransport’ failed to reach status ‘Running’ on this server.”
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters. In the details pane, click New, and then click DWORD (32-bit) Value. Type "DisabledComponents" (without quotes) and then press enter. Double-click DisabledComponents and type 0xffffffff in Hexadecimal or 4294967295 in Decimal. Close the registry editor.
C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc and open the hosts file in notepad
Error Message:
“$error.Clear(); if ($RoleStartTransportService) {start-SetupService –ServiceName MSExchangeTransport }” was run: “Service ‚MSExchangeTransport’ failed to reach status ‘Running’ on this server.”
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters. In the details pane, click New, and then click DWORD (32-bit) Value. Type "DisabledComponents" (without quotes) and then press enter. Double-click DisabledComponents and type 0xffffffff in Hexadecimal or 4294967295 in Decimal. Close the registry editor.
C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc and open the hosts file in notepad
2010年12月1日 星期三
Configuring the Change Password Feature in Outlook Web App
Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access (OWA) 加入了可讓使用者變更其密碼的功能。但若要使用這項功能,使用者必須登入 OWA 以變更其密碼。如果使用者密碼已過期,或是使用者在第一次登入時必須變更其密碼,使用者將無法登入 OWA 以存取密碼變更功能。
在舊版的 Microsoft Exchange 中,系統管理員可設定 IISADMPWD Web 應用程式以協助使用者。在執行此動作時,系統管理員可將密碼已過期的使用者導向至匿名存取的網頁,以重設其密碼。
但在 Windows Server 2008 中無法使用 IISADMPWD。因此,Windows Server 2008 環境中的 Exchange 2007 使用者可能無法使用密碼重設功能。
Exchange 2007 SP3 新增了 Client Access server (CAS) role 的新功能。這項功能建立了新的 Internet Information Services (IIS) 7 模組,可偵測過期密碼,並將使用者重新導向至新的變更密碼頁面。依預設會停用此功能。若要啟用密碼重設功能,您必須設定登錄機碼。
1.使用具有本機系統管理員權限的帳戶,登入執行 CAS 角色的 Exchange 伺服器。
2.啟動 [登錄編輯程式],然後找出下列登錄子機碼:
HLKM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchange OWA
3.建立下列 DWORD 值 (如果不存在):
數值名稱:ChangeExpiredPasswordEnabled 值類型:REG_DWORD 值資料: 1
4.結束 [登錄編輯程式]。
在舊版的 Microsoft Exchange 中,系統管理員可設定 IISADMPWD Web 應用程式以協助使用者。在執行此動作時,系統管理員可將密碼已過期的使用者導向至匿名存取的網頁,以重設其密碼。
但在 Windows Server 2008 中無法使用 IISADMPWD。因此,Windows Server 2008 環境中的 Exchange 2007 使用者可能無法使用密碼重設功能。
Exchange 2007 SP3 新增了 Client Access server (CAS) role 的新功能。這項功能建立了新的 Internet Information Services (IIS) 7 模組,可偵測過期密碼,並將使用者重新導向至新的變更密碼頁面。依預設會停用此功能。若要啟用密碼重設功能,您必須設定登錄機碼。
1.使用具有本機系統管理員權限的帳戶,登入執行 CAS 角色的 Exchange 伺服器。
2.啟動 [登錄編輯程式],然後找出下列登錄子機碼:
HLKM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchange OWA
3.建立下列 DWORD 值 (如果不存在):
數值名稱:ChangeExpiredPasswordEnabled 值類型:REG_DWORD 值資料: 1
4.結束 [登錄編輯程式]。
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